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Nebraska State Elks Association

2023 - Nebraska State Hoop Shoot

The State Hoop shoot was held at York High School on February 18th.

Hoop Shoot
Denver Regional

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Nebraska regional hoop shoot group
Back (l-r): Marcy & Mike Ohren Activities committeeman for area 6, Chandra & Adam Berlin State hoop shoot chairman, Roxie & Keith Nielson state president
Front (l-r): Alya Seeba, Madison Wulf, Kinslee Kern, Alex Stensmeier, Nolan Yilk & Kyler Johnson
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State President Keith Nielson, Adam Berlin State Hoop Shoot Chairman , 4th place winner Madion Wulf & Brandon Wilkins Regional Hoop Shoot Chairman
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State President Keith Nielson , Adam Berlin State Hoop Shoot Chairman, 1st place winner Alex Steffensmeier (1st place winner in 12-13 group) & Brandon Wilkins Regional Hoop Shooy Chairman
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State President Keith Nielson , Adam Berlin State Hoop Shoot Chairman, 4th place winner Nolan Yilk & Brandon Wilkins Regional Hoop Shooy Chairman
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10 Year Old Group
(L-R) Madison Wulf (NE) 4th place, Madison Andre (KS) 3rd place, Alicia Oldman 2nd place, Kinlee Cox (CO) 1st place, Yyronne Beavers (KS) 1st place, Payton Sorensen (WY) 2nd place, Chris Parra (CO) 2nd place and Nolan Yilk (NE) 4th place
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12-13 Year Old Group
(L-R) Claire Schippers (KS) 4th place, Khloe Romo (WY) 2nd place, Arnell Gomez (CO) 1st place, Alex Steffensmeier (NE) 1st place, Dierks Kegler (KS) 2nd place and Blake Araas (WY) 4th place
Not pictured: Kinsley Kerns (NE) 3rd place and Grant Stewart (CO) 3rd place
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All regional participants and officals.
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8 - 9 year old group
Riana Robinson (WY) 4th place, Ruby Murphy (KS) 3rd place, Avery Steinkamp (CO) 2nd place, Ayla Seeba (NE) 1st place, Jameson Green (CO) 1st place and Kyler Johnson (NE) 4h place
Not pictured: Nolan Smith (WY) 2nd place and Harlan Bains (KS) 3rd place
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8- 9 Year Old Group
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10 - 11 year old group
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12 - 13 year old group



National Hoop Shoot - Chicago

Congratulations - Nebraska Shooters

Molli Kalsbeck
22/25 Tied for 2nd
After shoot off placed 4th
Camden Dalinghaus
23/25 Tied for 4th place
Hanna Herrick
16/25 10th place
Tonja Herigs
21/25 Tied for 7th place
Andrew Richardson
24/25 Tied for second
Placed 3rd after shoot off

Running the gauntlet at the Regional Event

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Girls 8-9 years
Molli Kalsbeck
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Boys 8-9 years
Camden Dalinghaus
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Girls 10-11 years
Hannah Herrick
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Boys 10-11 years
Jack Stice
Falls City
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Girls 12-13 years
Tonja Herigs
North Platte
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Boys 12-13 years
Andrew Richardson
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Pre-game huddle
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Rhonda & Richard Bayne
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Marcy & Michael Ohren

Nebraska State Champions

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Girls 8-9 years
Molli Kalsbeck
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Boys 8-9 years
Camden Dalinghaus
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Girls 10-11 years
Hannah Herrick
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Boys 10-11 years
Jack Stice
Falls City
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Girls 12-13 years
Tonja Herigs
North Platter
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Boys 12-13 years
Andrew Richardson
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Presidents Award Winner
Molli Kalsbeck with Marcy & Michael Ohren
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Presidents Award Winner
Andrew Richarson with Marcy & Michael Ohren
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Officers and Officals


Photo from left to right: Molly Goc - Columbus (8-9) 7th , Ben Johnson - Riverdale (8-9) Runner-up, Macy Richardson Tecumseh, National Champion (12-13), Back Row: Rhonda and Richard Bayne - Nebraska State Hoop Shoot Directors

The Nebraska Regional winners advanced to National event in Chicago and completed against 11 other Regional winners for the title of National Champion. Nebraska and Region 8 walked away with top honors for team completion. Nebraska has a "National Champion" from Tecumseh along with a runner up from Riverdale and 7th place from Columbus. Kansas hosted another National Champion in girls 12-13 age group along with a 4th place. Colorado had a second place winner also. The team made 136/150 regulation free throws along with 76/80 in shoot offs. Total shoots made was 212/230 or 92.1%. WOW!!


2017 Hoop Shoot Results

8-9 Girls
1stMolli KalsbeckKearney #98422/25
2ndGracyn PainterAinsworth #179017/25
3rdGrace KoschNorfolk #65316/25
4thLexie CrockerLincoln #8012/25
8-9 Boys
1stCamden DalinghausNebraska City #104923/25
2ndTatum SorensoAinsworth #179022/25
3rdWill AndersonNorfolk #65321/25
4thLliam PaschallKearney #98412/25
10-11 Girls
1stHannah HerrickKearney #98421/25 (5/5)
2ndKassidy StuckeyYork #102421/25 (1/5)
3rdBrandy HortonLincoln #8016/25
10-11 Boys
1stJack SticeFalls City #96318/25 (5/5>
2ndJosh AbelsKearney #98418/25 (4/5)
3rdJackson HowardScottsbluff #136717/25
4thCohen PelanColumbus #119513/25
12-13 Girls
1stTonja HeirigsNorth Platte #98522/25
2ndMacy RichardsonNebraska City #104921/25 (5/5)
3rdCarley MarshallNorfolk #65321/25 (2/5)
4thReva NieveenKearney #98420/25
12-13 Boys
1stAndrew RichardsonNebraska City #104924/25
2ndCaden JenkinsonColumbus #119522/25 (4/5)
3rdCarter MannBroken Bow # 168822/25 (3/5)
4thAndrew BroslusNorth Platte #98520/25

2018 Hoop Shoot Results

Girls 8-9
1stBrooke ThieleWahoo22/25
2ndKinslee KernYork20/25
3rdGracyn PainterAinsworth19/25
4thLibby MitchellAmherst15/25
Boys 8-9
1stKruz FiddlerLincoln23/25
2ndKohen LingenfelterPlainview22/25
3rdKashtyn FosherKearney22/25
4thRylee MeiningerScottsbluff21/25
Girls 10-11
1stMolli KalsbeckKearney23/25
2ndMcKenna YatesMcCool Jct.14/25
3rdJayma NaberLincoln11/25
4thKeaton FattigBrady5/25
Boys 10-11
1stCamden DalinghausJohnson24/25
2ndEaston SullivanYork20/25
3rdJack MaserGering14/25
4thGriffin NovacekKearney12/25
Girls 12-13
1stHannah HerrickAmherst22/25
2ndMacKenzie LiakosBayard21/25
3rdHailey SteffensmeierColumbus20/25
Boys 12-13
1stAndrew BrosiusNorth Platte24/25
2ndCarter MickLincoln23/25
3rdBrayden HendershotNorfolk21/25